The inaugural Internal Communications and Engagement Awards (ICE) were held on Monday 13th May at the Brewery, London, and Big Button were recognised in three categories.
Developed by Communicate Magazine, the awards honour ‘best in class’ work that aims at engaging internal audiences, celebrating the impressive results this can achieve. Big Button's table was hosted by Sam Lewis and Simon Crofts, joined by guests from RSSB, Serco and IMI Precision Engineering.
Big Button’s results on the night:
- Best ongoing commitment to internal communications: Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) - BRONZE
- Best internal communications campaign across multiple markets: IMI Precision Engineering - SILVER
- Best use of video and animation: Serco - BRONZE
Simon Crofts, Client Services Director, said: “We had a fantastic night. It's always great to get to know clients better in a social setting, but adding in three awards made the night even more enjoyable! The competition was very strong from some of the UK's most high profile brands, and we were really pleased to achieve success among such esteemed company."
The full list of winners can be viewed here.