Rockin' all over the world

Our very first large project over 20 years ago was at an event in Germany, and we’ve always gone where clients have needed us. But in the last couple of years, our work really has ‘gone international’, which is to say that we now work almost exclusively with global organisations who are keen to keep the look, feel, and messaging of their video projects consistent. In the last month alone we’ve filmed in London, Boston, Paris, New York, Milan and Salt Lake City.

Historically, local marketing teams were largely left to ‘make their own way’, but in recent years there seems to have been a real shift towards managing video projects on a global basis, with organisations keen to give equal representation to all of the regions in a global business.

And those companies are really seeing the benefits of using a single supplier who can maintain control of all of the creative and logistical challenges.

Some of the ways that Big Button is now helping its international clients include:

Consistency Being the custodian of a large global project, we’re able to ensure that every creative and comms aspect is considered as part of the whole. This can involve briefing local teams and crews, managing collateral, and writing ‘how-to’ guides; our mission is to ensure that branding and quality are never compromised.

Multiple languages Working with our network of translation partners and voice talent, and with increasing assistance from some incredible AI tools, we’re able to re-version videos to work effectively in every territory.

Cultural differences We manage the level of ‘localisation’ that a project needs. This can be anything from ‘tone of voice’ considerations for ensuring your video addresses its local audience effectively, to political or religious considerations that may affect the content you make in a given region. We’re also experienced in working with ‘fixers’ who understand local customs, and know the right things to say or do to make the process of getting around and filming go a little more smoothly.

Health and Safety No matter what territory we’re working in, we risk assess to a minimum of British standards for health, safety and welfare.

Bureaucracy For European shoots Brexit has really added some layers of complexity, but we’re expert in managing all the necessary paperwork to get crew (and every item of equipment) onto and around the continent. The same applies to shoots around the world, and we’ve had experience navigating rules and paperwork in the USA, Asia and Australia.

Carbon footprint We’re very conscious of the environmental impact of our work, so when travelling further afield our producers use local crews as often as possible. And, as so much of our work is now in the USA, we’ve established a permanent base there to drastically reduce our transatlantic hops.

If your organisation is experiencing challenges with any of the above, and would like to work with a video partner that can remove your headaches, please get in touch to learn more about our services.