Once upon a time, flying a radio-controlled (RC) helicopter was hard. It’s why only a handful of hardened RC geeks tried it… including me. Today, flying a drone is significantly easier, so many...
Time is of the essence when working on a video project. We are often asked, ‘how quickly can you make us a video?’ and we always do our best to accommodate even the most 'last-minute' requests.
When speaking to potential clients, the first question I’m usually asked is about the cost of video production. And while I don’t wish to be coy, it’s a tough question to answer without knowing some...
We once lived in a state of blissful ignorance, where the only success metric was ‘does our client like the video we’ve made for them?’ If the answer was yes, we’d duplicate the video in the hundreds...
360 video has been around for quite a while, but as with anything ‘new-fangled’ it has taken some time to establish itself.
Everybody knows about the power of video to influence viewers and drive behavioural change – from wearing a seat belt to buying a product, video is the best way to reach and engage your audience.
Of course, you’d expect us to talk about the growth and success of video for business. But to prove that we’re not just making it up, we’re kicking off the year with some quite compelling stats about...
If you spend hundreds of thousands, or even millions on branded content every year, you should be using a big marketing agency, right?
As a multi award-winning expert in viral and social video, our Creative Director Simon Crofts is often called upon by the media to comment on high-profile video campaigns. Today, it was the turn of...
Last week we were delighted to host our final breakfast meeting of the year in conjunction with Communicate Magazine, and our friends at Buto. The theme of the discussion was video within Internal...