
Should I share my video on YouTube?

Many marketers think that YouTube is the right place to present their videos, but it depends on the objective. YouTube has a large audience, which means that it is easy to get ranked and to have your...

by Jeremy Stinton  |  08 Oct 2021
Video - do you measure up?

Measuring the effectiveness of video is finally becoming a priority for some marketers and communicators, but it’s taken a long time to get to this point - and we’ve still got a long way to go (11%...

by Simon Crofts  |  10 Sep 2021
The Duration Situation: How long should my video be?

An issue that never seems to get resolved in the world of video for marketing and internal comms is that of optimum duration. Lately, the trend has been to create shorter content, with some films...

by Simon Crofts  |  07 Aug 2021
Safe location filming after lockdown

For most of the lockdown period, government guidance has permitted location filming as long as strict guidelines are observed; at Big Button we’ve certainly embraced the new world of film making over...

by Sam Lewis  |  16 Mar 2021
And the winner is...

We’ve been very fortunate lately to have found favour with a number of awards committees, and while it would be inappropriate to list them all here (!) I can say that having your work recognised and...

by Mark Burgess  |  03 Mar 2021
Staying 'international' during lockdown

One of the challenges we’ve faced during the pandemic has been how to make videos for our international clients on those occasions when using Zoom has either been difficult to achieve at the client...

by Mark Burgess  |  01 Mar 2021
The changing face of video; trends for 2021

At Big Button we’ve been extremely busy over the last 12 months, something for which we’re very grateful under these difficult circumstances. It’s meant that the ‘new normal’ (Covid cliché alert!)...

by Simon Crofts  |  27 Jan 2021
Is your user-generated content good enough?

We recently ran a webinar designed to help people improve the quality of the user-generated content (UGC) they are creating within their organisation. As filming with crews has been a challenge...

by Simon Crofts  |  08 Jun 2020
Has video marketing changed forever?

I recently watched a webinar by a respected marketeer who insists things won’t change in the world of marketing after the COVID pandemic. He made some compelling arguments about how we’re wired to...

by Simon Crofts  |  27 May 2020
Creativity during the lockdown

Most of the creative industry has been hit incredibly hard by the pandemic lockdown, and it’s not an overstatement to say that our sector changed forever (along with the rest of the world) 2 months...

by Simon Crofts  |  22 May 2020
How to get the most from your video agency - without using a crew

COVID-19 has disrupted TV and video production in a number of ways. Beyond the obvious restrictions to filming on location and postponed projects, there’s a greater urgency to deliver timely content...

by Sam Lewis  |  20 May 2020
5 things you can do NOW to make your video marketing more effective

I’ve recently been running a series of webinars about using video more effectively for marketing (if you’re quick, you can sign up here for the next one).

by Simon Crofts  |  04 May 2020